The lyrics of "It's Just Mean" are not yet available, but if you want to share them with the community you can submit them by clicking the button below.
Album Infos:
- Album's title
- Coke Boys 2
- artist
- French Montana
- Style
- Hip-Hop
- Release date
- august, 19 2011
Tracklist :
1. Ya Mean
2. Move That Cane
3. It's Just Mean
4. Whip
5. Wasted
6. Tadoww
7. Stylin' On You
8. Red Light
9. Cocaine Mafia [Real]
10. 5 O' Clock
11. Roll
12. Call Me Montana
13. The Rush
14. Bend You Over
15. Whatchu Want(Freestyle)
16. Home Town
17. Uptown
18. Tell Me When
19. Boo Billz Back
20. Shot Caller
21. Coke Boyz