Letra : School WITH - deltarune THE MUSICAL IMSYWU

… and that humble animator would go on to one day
Direct Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2
Kinda shocked that you're here
You've been shirking cla** for half of the year...
Were teaming up so dont just stand there
Projects go much better with pairs
Hey Kris wanna team up
Wish I could afraid you weren't fast enough
Now I'm stuck workin with cowboy kid
And I'm nearly flippin my lid
Tem gots a partner picked out to
Its EG
And Jockington' s with catti natch
"Tem gonna ace project once EG hatch"
'Yeah good luck with that'
You wanna work with Berdly
I wanna walk out of this with an A
"I'm in a group but if you're left behind"
"I could ask to put you in mine"
"Hey um Ms. Alphys would it be ok"
"If wе add Kris they're all alone today"
No No Nooo!
'I guеss you're right they're not accounted for'
'Unless someone walks through that door'
C'mon fates send someone through there
And save my group a**ignment test scores
"That'll do Fates That'll do"