The lyrics of "So Soulful" are not yet available, but if you want to share them with the community you can submit them by clicking the button below.
Album Infos:
- Album's title
- The Laundry Man 2
- artist
- French Montana
- Style
- Hip-Hop
- Release date
- june, 30 2009
Tracklist :
1. Slow Down
2. Shake The Game
3. We Playin In The Wind
4. Life Of An O.G.
5. So Soulful
6. Stuck In The Middle
7. Pluto
8. Overtime
9. Money Right
10. Wave Gang
11. What You Want From Me
12. Closer Than Most
13. Fresh Air
14. Lay Down
15. Mac & Cheese
16. Everybody Know
17. Wus Up
18. Never Gettin' Up