Letra : Fallen Down

I felt a disturbing presence in the air
So I came down, and I saw you standing there
Is that pesky flower being a nuisance again?
Yes, that must be it, I'll guide you then!
My name is Toriel and I watch this place
And look for those, who fall, of the human race
So come with me, I will care for you, and make
Sure you are safe. A pie I shall bake!

Don't you worry, I'll make sure, dear
There's no reason to shed tears!
Come, I will teach you our ways!
We'll bе together until the еnd of my days!
Why do you look at me with that gaze?

Hee hee. Don't be afraid, child!
We're going to be so happy together!
I promise you, for as long as you remain here, I will take care of you the best I can!
We can sit in the living room, telling stories, eating butterscotch pie...
We could be... a family!

Oh, human
My dear child
You're going to grow up
And learn all that
I can teach you
Your mother is always so proud!

No matter what you shall do
I'll still love you, my child
Don't be afraid, no monster
Shall hurt you, oh, I promise!
Truthfully, all I want is
For monsters and humans to
Live as one, at peace, maybe
We will see the light of day!

Oh, dear child
Something's wrong
I still feel a presence, so disturbing
Child, why do you still stare?

Are you okay? You're quiet
And you seem to show no joy
I think we need to go
Child, do you even hear me at all?