Letra : Songs About Coffee

Eight AM, roll into work
Gotta keep my job
Nine AM, meeting at work
What's the deal with that?
So what's the good part?

My boss, seriously
What's the deal with him?

Alarm clock catastrophe
No ding-a-ling, no ding-a-ling
Alarm clock catastrophe
This is not a good time for me
I'm as far behind
As a human being can possibly be
Alarm clock catastrophe
I think I pulled a hammy
Ugh! Ugh!
Ugh! Ugh!

Last night was very fun
This morning, less so
Whose left shoe is this?
Does anybody know?
Cleaning up after an all-night blowout

Ocho half-caf latteccino
Mocha dué avec moi
My mouth can't form these words
My mind can't find these words
Is it French, or is it Italian?
Perhaps Fritalian?

I'm on automated
Automatic autopilot
Automatic autopilot

Does anybody here
Smell something burning?
Somebody left thе coffee burners
Going all night long
It's coming from the urn
Wonder why thе sprinklers aren't on
Does anybody here
Smell something burning?

Contraption, you disappoint me
Inferior contraption
I'm retiring you now
Even though you were a wedding gift
Keep you beside the can opener
In the box behind the garage

What, what
Cleaning up the all-night party
Cleaning up the all-night party
Who posted those digital pictures?
Who broke the karaoke mic?
Everybody on the carpet say "contact lens" (Contact lens)
Cleaning up the all-night party
Cleaning up the all-night party
Contact lens

Four, three, two, yes
Doin' things is what I like to do
I'm slightly more productive now than previous because
I'm slightly more efficient than I previously was
Doin' things is what I like to do

Things are what I like to do
Doin' things is what I like to do
Things are what I like to do
No twiddlin' of thumbs, I get everything done
I'm slightly more productive now than previous because
I'm slightly more efficient than I previously was
Doin' things is what I like to do
Doin' things is what I like to do


Assembling a complicated thing
This one's for the Hall of Fame
The Hall of Fame
Can I call for tech support?
Wasn't there another bolt somewhere?
It was right here
Assembling a complicated thing
Assembling a complicated thing
Assembling a complicated thing

We're seeing multiple historical landmarks today
End of conversation
Historic buildings
We're gonna do this

Human interest story
I won't look at you
I have no time for you
That beard of bees
It has no power over me
I won't look at you
I have no time for you
I won't look at you

I'm in a rut
That I don't want to be in
I wanna break the chains
I wanna smash those chains
Those chains that are around my brains
And I would do it but
I would do it but
I can't 'cause I'm in a rut
I'm in a rut

I've had enough of the same stuff
Over and over and over and over
I'm in a rut

Jimmy the mechanic
What should I get you?
Jimmy the mechanic
I have no idea
Jerry my cousin
What should I get you?
Rachel the lawyer
What should I get you?
Darrell the IT guy
I have no idea

Jimmy the mechanic
What should I get you?
Jimmy the mechanic
I have no idea

And last but not least
Karate! (Hiiiii-ya!)

Swimming, soccer, ballet, oboe
And just one more time
Karate! (Hiiiii-ya!)

We break for kung fu movies
And sausage now
If that's a guy thing
Then we are guys
They are the masters
We are in servitude
We have a preference
So know that we prefer
To break for kung fu movies
And sausage

We break for kung fu movies
And sausage

Lefty loosey, righty tighty
Wrench in one hand, feelin' mighty
Let me at that dead machine
Let me at that faucet thing
Lefty loosey, righty tighty

Hundreds of pounds of old linoleum
Gone La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Gone in a dump truck La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
To haul it all away
Hundreds of pounds of old linoleum
Gone La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Dump truck La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

And so lunch is over
And dinner is so far away
This distance is an ocean
And time has taken my boat away
But now
I won't be hungry anymore

We don't need a cup of confusion
Perhaps it's best to simplify
Perhaps it's best and this is why
So just make mine to go
So just make mine to go

So just make mine to go
So just make mine to go

One billion degrees
It's like one billion degrees
It's like one trillion degrees
From the hot parking lot
To the sand that is not so cool
One billion degrees

I will be out of the office
I will be out of the office all day
Though not at a spa
I will not be reclining
I won't be sitting at all
I'll be a blur
A human blur
Begin at nine and then
Do the work of ten

I'll be a blur
A human blur
Working away from my desk all day

Packing a ton of stuff for a three-day
Weekend at my uncle's beach house
Plenty of room
Plenty of room
Plenty of room

Plenty of room
Plenty of room
Plenty of room

The backs of my legs
Stickin' to the pleather
Hey hey hey hey

Taking a power walk
Taking a power walk around
Talking a power walk around
The industrial park path
Taking a power walk

It's a hundred degrees out here
But in spite of the heat, the rules are clear
The grass has grown, it must be mowed
It's super hot out
Yet I will mow the lawn
It's super hot out
Yet I will mow the lawn