Letra : Stephanie’s Lazytown Quiz [2]

At what time does time Sportacus goes to sleep every night
1. sun down
2. midnight
3. eight on eight
4. nine on nine
Okay, did you get it right? the answer is 3, eight on eight

Name the character who likes lollipops
1. Pixel
2. Stingy
3. Trixie
4. Ziggy
Okay, did you get it right?, the answer is 4, Ziggy

Robbie sleeps on what?
1. a bed
2. the floor
3. a chair
4. a table
Okay, did you get it right?, the answer is 3, a chair

What song is on every episode of LazyTown?
1. Ding Dong
2. Bing Bang
3. Bong Bong
4. Bang Bang
Okay, did you get it right?, the answer is 2, Bing Bang
What Sportacus say when his crystal beeps?
1. Someone's in danger
2. Someone's in trouble
3. Someone's in patrol
4. Someone's on high heels
Okay, did you get it right?, the answer is 2, someone's in trouble