Letra : Ever Since the World Began / Shall I Sing a Melody (From ”Everybody Sing”)

Ever since the world began
We've wondered and pondered
And tried to find the answer to the questions:
Shall we?
Or shan't we?
Or should we?

Shall I sing a melody of birds on the wind?
Shall I sing of love spring
Or shall I sing of swing, hey swing, oh swing

Shall I dance a polka?
Or a stately ?
Shall I do a Suzy Q
And make it good and hot, so hot, too hot

Should I do what mother tells me to
And be a slightly dull and model little daughter
Or should I merge with this terrific urge
To get right up and do my stuff
Not gay but gay enough
Hey oh, oh ohh

Teacher says I shouldn't sing
Those timpanally songs
I should sing of love and spring
Like Lo! hear the gentle lark
Lo! hear the gentle lark