Letra : Four Downs to the Ten-Yard Line

What do yo mean you don't get how it's played? I mean just cause you're a homo doesn't mean you can't watch football. I mean, you're still a dude right?

I guess

I mean whoever said football is for beer-guzzling troglodytes and trailer parks? We scholars of the academe can enjoy it on a whole other level. Look
First you got your two teams
Tight knees bursting the seams
Of their uniform's design
Coin toss to begin it
Each one wants to win it
Each one thinking this is mine
Based on his own charter
Coach assigns a starter
Wound up like a tense turbine
Kickoff and we're going
Cheers and whistles blowing
Four downs to the ten-yard line
You follow?


Guards and wide receivers
Touchdown whose achievers
Thank their maker most divine
Cornerback's appearance
No catch! Interference
See that perseverance shine
Every quarter's kick make
Antedate a sick play
Run a tight end servine
Huddle at the scrimmage
Patriotic image
Four downs to the ten-yard line
As the football flies
Through the midday skies
Cue the crowd to rise with a roar
And its no surprise
When you realize
You'll idealize evermore
There go the offensive
Linemen, their extensive
Masses black as iodine
Giants making tackles
Always make my hackles
Bristle like a porcupine
Fans who fill the bleachers
Contumacious creatures
Worship at their chosen shrine
I could spend my life here
TV game, my wife, beer
Four downs to the ten-yard line