Letra : Rising Sun

We are like dew drops
Turning into vapour...
Vanishing in the sunbeams...
Sunrise's warming us
Taking the mantle off the mind.
The morning...
This light...

Today won't be like yesterday.
Today will become the beginning of a new epoch.
The epoch of good sense, of order
And never-ending stream of love.

You'll forget the values which you cherished.
You'll forget the speeches you've listened to.
As the sun is rising burning lie,
Humiliation and fear.

The taste of freedom,
The taste of life...
The taste of freedom,
The taste of life...

The halls of Time have fallen to pieces.
(Break them! Break...)
The celestial chest is ready to open.
Attentively read the rules
Which you won't dare violate.
Today has come.

Tears of stone are withered by the Sun,
(Nobody will see them suffer)
Waters of rivers are drunk by the Time.
(But let the seeing see)
Big landslides hid caves,
(Nobody will hear them pray)
Sands of prairies covered all the traces.
(But the willing ones will hear)

Thus die the old truths and the new ones are born.

(Steps of the past, steps of the future)
The cutting wind is blowing in the face.
The ascension can't be easy.
Just having applied effort
It's possible to get the result.

Happy shores are washed by the new seas.
The surf sheds energy of life.
There's no winner stronger than the one
Who managed to overcome himself.

Want to see mysterious worlds of brilliant stars?
Then follow the sun
Follow today!
Then follow the sun
Follow today!

Just don't lose the piece of memory
About what was yesterday and might be tomorrow...

Tears of stone are withered by the Sun,
(Nobody will see them suffer)
Waters of rivers are drunk by the Time.
(But let the seeing see)
Big landslides hid caves,
(Nobody will hear them pray)
Sands of prairies covered all the traces.
(But the willing ones will hear)

Thus die the old truths and the new ones are born.

Powerful feeling overcomes you...

Come with me,
Throw away the bondage of doubts,
You'll behold a miracle!
I'll show you the crying stone
And riverbeds filling with water,
I'll find the dark caves for you
And strange traces on the sand.

I'll show you the colorful world
But you must follow the sun.
Don't get lost!
Draw the picture of your happiness yourself!

Tears of stone are withered by the Sun,
(Nobody will see them suffer)
Waters of rivers are drunk by the Time.
(But let the seeing see)
Big landslides hid caves,
(Nobody will hear them pray)
Sands of prairies covered all the traces.
(But the willing ones will hear)

Thus die the old truths and the new ones are born.

The beast won't step out of the clouds
When the time of rains comes.
Don't be afraid of life!
Terror and laughter are impossible together.