Letra : All I Can Be Is a Sweet Memory

All I can be is a sweet memory
That drifts through your mind from time to time
I could never be more than a knock on your door
Just a shadow that's gone with the sunshine

For you know I'm not free and I never can be
And you're bound to get restless in time
All I can be is a sweet memory
That drifts through your mind

Tonight I'll shed a silent tear while lying here with you
The sands of time have trickled down to just a precious few
You're young and so beautiful and I'm so glad I'm here
But the ending painfully clear

All I can be is a sweet memory
Of someone you had to leave behind
Who loves you and needs you but never could give you
A ring for your finger so fine

So tonight let's just borrow one memory for tomorrow
'Til we find we've run out of time
All I can be is a sweet memory
That drifts through your mind

All I can be is a sweet memory
That drifts through your mind