Lyrics : Fuck The Trees

Hey guys, Johnny here

Other day we had one little f**kin' storm
Tree falls in the middle of the f**kin' road
And I run into it
Completely totalling my car
A 2001
Mint condition
Buick citric

Mint condition
Buick citric
Mint condition
Buick citric
With at least
3,000 f**kin' dollars
Mint condition
Mint condition
So I say

F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses

Talking about the campers
That are going around acting like some kind of tree
You're not a f**kin' tree
The other day my buddy Steve calls me and goes
"Hey, you need to come and check out my tree"
I say "I can't wait buddy
I'll be over there in a moment"

I drive over and there and go
Hey this isn't no god damn tree
That's a f**kin' truck
That's a f**kin' truck
So I said f**k off Steve
I never wanna talk to you again
And I'm f**kin' tired of these trees
F**k off Steve
So I say

F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
F**k you trees
Burn em all
F**k you trees
F**k the trees
Roast marshmellows
Over the burning corpses

And all you tree huggers out there can suck my d**k if you got a problem with it