Paroles : Hosanna

As He came into the city
We lifted Him up, we received Him

Mult**udes saw His glory
And I believe that they believed Him

Hosanna, hosanna

The ma**es cried
Proclaiming Him Messiah for the first time

We laid palm branches
And our own clothes on the road
Blessed is He who comes
In the Name of the Lord

Hosanna, hosanna

As they lifted Him high
Proclaiming Him Messiah for the first time

This Jesus is an optimist

We don't need him

Yeah, that?s obvious
I think what we need?s some common sense
Come to it

And come to an end

Cry me a river and build me a bridge

His followers will have to get over it

I'm so over this

He's a show off

He just wants attention

Right like grow up

I could throw up


We kill God?s Son
See over there the quiet one?


His name is Judas he?s one of the twelve
I think that he could be of some help

He seems insecure and undecided
Like he's still not on board
But he's tryin? to hide it

Trying to hide it

But we?ll bring it out

So with the right time and a bag of cash
We'll get him alone and we?ll give him an ask
Find out where He will be
We'll quietly end this blasphemy

It's blasphemy
It's blasphemy
It's blasphemy

Now My soul is troubled
But what am I supposed to say?
This is reason I came
Yes, My soul is troubled
And what am I supposed to say?
Father, glorify Your Name through Me

I am willing to be bound
I wanna set them free

Hosanna, hosanna
The ma**es cried
Proclaiming Me Messiah for the first time

Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna

Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna
Hosanna, hosanna