Letra : Murderer’s Confession (Princess Puffer)

Oh God, have mercy: your forgiveness do I need!
My string of sins ends here with this most dreadful deed!
I only meant to save my Rosa, but it?s true?
Oh, you b*st*rd Jasper! Christ, I meant to murder you

Could I see my Rosebud threatened
By this man of ma**ive sin?
He?d revealed his vile desires
So I had to do him in!
To my endless ruination
I took smoke to see me through
In my sweet hallucination
I saw Drood ? and thought him you!

So I say to all who hear me
You must plan a murder well
You must view your victim clearly
As you send him off to Hell!
When I killed, 'twas well-intended
Drink and smoke what did me in
For my sins, I'm apprehended:
Them's the wages of sin!
Come on. Give your old love some help with the last line then, 'ey?
With the wages of sin!

Cor bloody 'ell! Don't you know they 'ang women these days?
This is undoubtedly me last chorus!

With the wages of sin!