Paroles : Very Smurt - “Olimo” Review

Smurt?s Leet New LP*: A Prime Time News Article
By: Jentrick Pollywag
*Quick notice, this is the?ninety-sixth?article on Smurt?s?new album that has a section?that specifically talks about the song ?Pie?.

On the 20th of?September,?legendary?rapper Very Smurt?released his fifth?studio album ?Olimo?. The album consisted of fifteen new tracks, each one better than most other Smurty Boi tracks and even better than some full albums (cough Meme God, Jeanyus, a few songs on Stanferd Dropout, and most of WOOb). The album was a timeless masterpiece, and honestly an instant cla**ic. One song I want to point out from it was Smurt?s beautiful, six minute masterpiece ent**led ?Pie?, one of the many songs on the album. It is the last track, and serves as one huge, grand finale of the album, with Smurt rapping over multiple beats. #Flashbacks2LickoModeXD. Ok well hope y?all enjoyed this leet af Prime Time News article fresh out the Pollywag! Aite n? tight, finnas!

-Ya fam Jentrick