Letra : Inward Singing

*Kage Snoring*

[Jack] Oh, my god. I've done it. Kage, come here I want you!

[Kage]What! What! God! I was sleeping dude! What are you talkin about?

[Jack] Oh, my god...

[Kage] What?

[Jack] I did it.

[Kage] What'd You Do?

[Jack] I've done it... I f*ckin did it.

[Kage] What?

[Jack] The most powerful tool in singing technology since yodeling, dude. Oh, my god, inward singing!

[Kage] What?

[Jack] Check it out. It's an invention and it makes non-stop rocking possible. Think about it, man! Rock singers are only rockin you half the time, the other time they're... they're... they're... they're... breathing in but not any more baby! HAHAHA... not with inward singing. Check it out...

*Jack breathing*

[Singing] And then I start some lyrics and you
[Inward Singing] Can't believe I'm singing
[Singing] And I'm never f*cking stopping and I'm
[Inward Singing] Always f*cking singing
[Singing] Now you know that I will never [Inward Singing] Stop the f*cking singing
[Singing] I'm like a f*cking one man band, I'm like a f*cking one man
[Inward Singing] Band!

[Jack]And I can sing like that all f*ckin night...

[Kage] Wow... it wasn't really non-stop though. There was a slight...

[Jack]AHH shut up! It is non stop and theother thing is that when I'm f*cking singing in it sounds even BETTER than when I'm singing out!
Shut up! f*ck you! You f*ckin dick! Always ney saying everything I create! You piece of shit, you create something like inward singing! You f*cking shit you f*cking sit in your tower...

*Kage Laughing*

[Jack]... and f*cking nap... what's funny? You f*cking bitch!

*Kage Continues To Laugh*

[Jack]f*ckin, f*ck out f*ckin... cock chaos. You're fired from the band.

[Kage] Umm, that won't be necessary, Jack.
[Jack] Why?
[Kage] Well, I'm quiting.
[Jack] What?
[Kage] I quit.