Letra : Hated by life itself. english ver. 【Oktavia】命に嫌われている。【英語で歌ってみた】

Don’t you wish for death

When you’re feeling weak!
Hardships aren’t as hard
As they seem to be!”
Sure, say that all you want

You’re not fooling me
With those words you never mean
While I don’t care to die
I don’t mind a bit
But someone I love?
... God, I think I’d wish I did
I suppose “Because I won’t like it”
Is all my ego is
Happy to gaze upon the
Pain of the haven’t-met
Cowering in our hatred
Has become a fashion trend
Even so, we’re supposed to
“live a peaceful lifе”?
Even though I bet it’s nice
I bеt we’ve tried
Someone succ*mbs behind

The colors of the monitor
Deep in grief, another weeps
By singing in their honor
Hearing that song