Zach Hill - Chapters 1

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1. On the same day you developed your first scab and somebody told you they didn’t like you very much. In another other it as the Year of the Duplex and the unofficial date was DecemberRemember One Hundred and One Eleventh. The answer of no one’s question was born in an eggless hawk’s mouth. The t**le of this creature/answer was given pre-birth and was Rules.

2. A tribe of Gra**warriors had been awaiting this arrival for a half-day. The winds had informed them to meet at the hawk’s beak when their last bit of thread had finished their winter's armor. The trailblazer of these Gra**warriors was known as Die. He had an ice cream cone of a face and the smallest existing handshake ever to exist in non-existence.

3. The dimension that was in common was YES AND NO. The name of non-reality came naturally by the land’s most popular and important questions. There wasn’t a dinosaur or a fox skull that didn’t lust of the answers of the planets, that is if planets existed and most blood thought not’s and no’s.

4. Die had been communicating with Rules prior to his One Hundred and One Eleventh Second Coming. Telepathy and blinking patterns through the bugs of air made this possible. When the two met square to square and past to past, seriousness hugged their circle and the present was celebrity.

5. The school of warriors divided by Rules headed toward The Crop Circles at Black Refrigeration Pasture. Conversations came by nine mouths and was textured and positive. As usual, planet talk took them over. Die loved talk of visiting all spheres by them visiting him. He claimed at any half-moment the whole universe could sweep him up for a visit. The others laughed at his tales. Inspiration was celebrity.

6. In another second where day had landed and never left, a Purple Tooth and a swarm of knights slept on a negative rock. This group considered themselves one tree and moved in the shadow of a squirrel.

7. Hardly ever seen by the pinstripes of night, the posse of knights divided by Purple was collectively known as Man Boy Woman Girl. They had been yesterday's champions. Slightly down and outers, but with grace and activity.

8. The Knight’s had no knowledge of Rules or Die and the Gra**warriors. Their past kingdom was the Year of Two Stories. They had spawned from a defunct plot of oxygen known in the old world of Gemini as colorless. In the later hours of the live long day, The Knight’s awoke from no sleep. They too headed to Black Refrigeration Pasture and path’s were crossed before they weren’t crossed on future arrival.