Kevin Bloody Wilson - Sunday Morning

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Well I woke up feelin' rat shit, with no way to hold me head that didn't
Wonderin' what'd make me feel the best, chunder or a squirt,
But I think I'll settle for a shit 'cause I've still got some chunder on me
And I rubbed me eyes and scratched me nuts and staggered down
the stairs to greet the day, oh shit.
I got pissed again the day before watchin' cricket on the telly with me
There was Berne Simmons Matty Kim, Lucky, and this big prick
Wally Yates,
But Christ knows why I feel so crook, must'a been somethin' that I
By the time I found you're supposed to peel your prawns before you
eat 'em, it's too late.

I'm into Sunday mornin' sideways, oh Jesus Christ I'm bloody crook,
Havin' a quiet drink Saturday avo, is just like, tryin' to have a quiet
f*ck with a chook,
And I think I'm bloody dyin', like I've been fumbled by a truck,
On me knees out in the dunny, Sunday mornin', throwin' up.

Sweatin' on the Sunday session, tryin' to think of what I done last
I remember I got me end away, oh Jesus, Wally Yates' wife,
A man's supposed to be a man so, I should me a man and
Oh, but a root's a root, and I'm a cunt, I'll call 'round next time while
he's workin' nights.

I'm into Sunday mornin' sideways, oh Jesus Christ I'm bloody crook,
Havin' a quiet drink Saturday avo, is just like, tryin' to have a quiet
f*ck with a chook,
And I think I'm bloody dyin', like I've been fumbled by a truck,
On me knees out in the dunny, Sunday mornin', throwin' up.

Ohh I think me ass just caved in, Sunday mornin', chuckin' up.

Mm f*ck.