The Key of Awesome - Sorry

by SpotLyrics ·

This song's the sh*t, it made grown men admit that they're fans of me
(That's pretty good) (Catchy)
All of my R's sound like V's for some reason, regrettably (referee)
These girls dance so j*rky, they look like they're hurting their hips and knees
Stole their clothes from "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air"
(You did not just take my clothes!)
I'm running late, so these skanky, young ladies will twerk for you
(Who you calling skanky?)
Did I just say "skanky"? I meant to say "swanky and super cute"
(That's better)
Why are they dancing like they all need to use the ladies' room?
Buzz me up, I'm downstairs in the lobby
(What? You're breaking up) (We can't hear you, byee!)

It's not like me to be this tardy
Now I'm gonna miss the butt-slapping party (I can hear it)
I wonder why they're dancing so wobbly
Oh, I bet it's because I gave them all crabs
They're trying to shake them out of their pants

Ooh, wee, ooh, wee, ooh
Ooh, wee, ooh, wee, itchy
Pinchy, pinchy, pinch
Pinchy, pinchy, pinchy
Yeah, I know I gave you all STDs
But can we keep this between us, please?