Olivia Rodrigo & Madison Hu - Participation Award

by guest ·

Watch out, everybody
'Cause two talented individuals just entered the building
That's right, Paige and Frankie are winning awards for everything
And we don't mean to brag, but uh, look what we got

Participation award, participation award
Everything we do, participation award

I signed up for debate to argue for my side
I just opened up my mouth and then I mostly cried
(Participation award, participation award)
I had a science project due about the speed of light
But I don't know what that is, so instead I drew a kite

Participation award, participation award
I barely even try, participation award

No one can stop us, of that there is no doubt
We must be really gifted 'cause they don't just hand these out
I joined the running team and waited for the whistle
Then I ran the other away
(Participation award)
I tried to cook a chicken, but I didn't have a chicken
(Participation award)
I hula-hooped for two seconds
(Participation award)
Oops, I dropped my ice cream
(Participation award)
I actually didn't participate
Participation award, participation award
Everything we do, participation award

No one can stop us—
Frankie, do you think we're getting these awards for nothing?
Yeah, maybe
I woke up this morning and that hand with the trophy was already there
It's like everything we do... participation award
Well, that could really mess us up in the future
Because we'll become sad when we realize
We aren't as talented as these awards led us to believe
*Trophy appears*
I mean, we shouldn't...

Participation award, participation award
It still feels good to win, participation award