CollegeHumor - Welcome to Mountport

by guest ·

Good morning!
(Good morning!)
Well, hello, hello there!
Oh, hey, uh, down there!

Ey, Timothy!


You're not allowed in the street anymore, you know why?


On account of the crimes!

Okay, I guess I'll go back indoors!

Oh, it's another foggy day
Where the ocean marine layer gets stuck in our mountain range!
That's right!

I wouldn't have it any other way!

Oh, the mountains over there
Next to the sea!
How can that be?
How can that be?
Well the mountains stretch from the sky right down to the sеa
How can that be?
(Like physically?)
How can that be?

But whеn you live in Mountainport, you don't ask many questions
Like, to say this is impossible, throw out that suggestion!

Yes, the literal name is "Mountainport"
And that's what we're about!
But because we're very busy
Very very busy
We shorten it to "Mountport"!
The mountain is right next to the sea
How can that be?
How can that be?
How can...
(How can...)
Don't ask me!
Don't ask me!

You can ask me!

Get back inside!
