Screeching Weasel - The Entourage

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Here they are, the entourage
It doesn't matter what your job is
You'd all be right here sucking up in any case

Baby Fat let me tell you what your problem is

Oh I can't wait, this'll be great
Please proceed

You just don't know when to back off
And someday somebody's gonna get sick of it

What! Beat up a guy in a wheelchair

You don't have to squash a c*ckroach to kill it

You bloated garden gnome
You think you can huff and puff and blow my house down
Well have at it
But you'll answer to Tommy Swank
I'm his right hand man
You're just the drunk he gave a job to out of pity

Oh here we go

Hey Queeg, still selling weed
What's it like to go doctor shopping
Every week
For your oxy contin

That big Swank must keep you around
To serve as a personal circus clown
Cause now
You couldn't tech your way out of a paper bag

Stompanato the brain dead lush
Need another barrel of bourbon there, Rummy?
Holy cow, now he's shaking and sweating
Hey, but he's good at pretending it's funny

Now here comes Jerry Japan
What cruel prick let you pick out that name
You poor son of a b*t*h
You really think it sounds cool

Remember when your teenage girlfriend dumped you cause the zoloft left you impotent?
But you're a badass now Aintcha Jerry don't worry nobody thinks you're a fairy
Oh no
Because they don't think about you at all
Oh no
Because they don't think about you at all