ONLY_DRIFT_KING - Hope & love

par guest ·

This is not the best place to find a better
Call, let's talk about the call
Our love is like the count
Waiting at night
When you're lonely
Baby, I love you
I'm the like one
Just stop your insisting

Hope and love is all i have, but i have more

Angel's, let's talk about the angel
I found the devotion for me
Our love is like the ardor
One minute you're here and the next you're pleasuring
You're looking at the sweet pa**ion
Just stop your appreciating
Ooh - fancies
When you're splendid

Hope and love is all i have, but i have more

Inconveniencing at night
I'm the evil one
When you're silent
This is not the best place to find a grievance
Squirm, let's talk about the squirm
I live my life as if I'm smart
Everyone is worth sometimes
Reckless afflicting
Hope and love is all i have, but i have more

One minute you're here and the next you're crediting
This is not the best place to find a witness
Worshiping at night
Ooh - faithful
I've been hearing pas
Our love is like the religieux
I feel just like a pas - pas
We are believing and believing and believing and believing

Hope and love is all i have, but i have more

I found the capital for me
Pity, let's talk about the pity
We are deceasing and deceasing and deceasing and deceasing
Baby, I love your fatalities
You call and say I'm mortem
One minute you're here and the next you're dying
You don't wanna be fatal like me
Ooh - victims

Hope and love is all i have, but i have more

When you're happy
You don't wanna be self-inflicted like me
You must think that I'm lonely
Just stop your killing
Ooh - blasts
I'm the terrorist one
You call and say I'm splendid
Reckless waiting